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Huawei Technologies Deutschland GmbH

Ingobert Veith, Vice President Public Policy, Huawei Technologies Deutschland GmbH


1. Describe your company in a tweet!
#Digitalisation is changing lives in Germany - but how can society and industry benefit from new technologies like #5G and #KI?
As a leading provider of information technology and telecommunications solutions, Huawei is paving the way for a digital Germany!


2. Why are you involved as a Berlin Partner?
Berlin is an important science and technology location and as a global technology company we are pleased to be able to contribute to the most important business and science network as a Berlin Partner.


3. What topics drive you in terms of your industry?
Digital infrastructure, smart mobility, energy transition and digitalisation, Industry 4.0, digitalisation of education, digital administration, artificial intelligence, Industry 4.0, e-health solutions, sustainability through digitalisation.


4. What makes Berlin special for you?
In Berlin, we opened our first German flagship store on Kurfürstendamm right next to the Gedächtniskriche. We have a total of five locations in Berlin: from the shop to sales and research to politics and communication in our capital office: The Berlin Huawei cosmos is very broad.


5. Why is Berlin attractive for your company?
Berlin is innovative and international and in such an environment we feel at home as Huawei.


6. What does Berlin stand for to you?
No other city in the world symbolises better that walls between people should not last. We also want to bring people together through technology.


7. How does your company implement the topic of sustainability?
Huawei is guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We have divided our commitment into different areas: digital inclusion, environmental and climate protection, security and trustworthiness of technology, and digital education and talent development, to name the most important. We believe that our digital technologies can make a major contribution to climate protection and, as the world's largest manufacturer of inverters in the solar energy sector, we are also directly involved in the energy transition.

